AST Configuration Management Overview

This configuration section applies to the AST Opentelemetry Collector. For Grafana, Prometheus or other components, see the corresponding documentation in > Components

Config Management Options

In the post v0.6.0 management scheme, users can choose from one of the below options to manage the AST Otel Collector configs:

  1. Using a python script to generate full Otel Collector Config files from a small set of default settings and per-device overrides (recommended for most users, and includes migration path from old big-ips.json configs). See Configuration > Configuration Helper (Recommended) for details.

  2. Manual maintenance of the Otel Collector Config Receivers and Pipelines files (recommended for advanced use cases or people with their own automation pipelines). See Configuration > Manual Configuration > Receiver/Pipeline Config for details.

  3. Manual maintenance of the Otel Collector Config files in /services/otel_collector/defaults. See Configuration > Manual Configuration > Std Otel Collector Config for details.