The OpenTelemetry Collector is a crucial component of the Application Study Tool (AST), providing a custom distribution designed specifically for monitoring F5 BigIP devices. This collector features a specialized BigIP Receiver component, which retrieves metric data from the BigIP iControl REST endpoint.
While working towards open sourcing the receiver component, the AST project will maintain a build of the collector with the requisite receivers, processors, and exporters needed to collect and send data where required. If you have a particular exporter that you’d like included in this list, please open a support issue.
Custom Collector Components
- OTLPExporter
- OTLPHTTPExporter
- DebugExporter
- PrometheusRemoteWriteExporter
- LokiExporter
- ClickHouseExporter
- BatchProcessor
- TransformProcessor
- ResourceProcessor
- MetricsTransformProcessor
- AttributesProcessor
- FilterProcessor
- IntervalProcessor