
Short Description: Manage resources via the F5OS RESTCONF API.


  • Manage resources via the F5OS RESTCONF API.
  • By default, this module will PUT the desired configuration to the specified URI.

Author: Simon Kowallik (@simonkowallik)

Version Added: 1.0.0


Option Description Required Type Default / Choices
uri The URI of the resource to configure. true str  
method The HTTP method to configure the resource. false str Default: PUT Choices: PUT, PATCH
state The desired state of the resource. false str Default: present Choices: present, absent
config The desired configuration to apply to the resource (PATCH) or to replace the resource with (PUT). false dict  
keys_ignore A list of keys to ignore when comparing the current and desired configuration. This is useful when only a subset of the configuration is desired to be compared. The keys are ignored for the comparison only, not for the actual configuration. The keys will be ignored recursively in the desired configuration and current configuration. false list  
config_query A JMESPath query to filter the current configuration before it is compared to the desired configuration. false str  
secrets A list of secrets to redact from the output. Any value in this list will be redacted with ‘VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER’. false list  


Attribute Support Description
check_mode full The module supports check mode and will report what changes would have been made.
diff_mode full The module supports diff mode and will report the differences between the desired and actual state.


  • This module requires the f5networks.f5os collection to be installed on the ansible controller.
  • This module uses the httpapi of the f5networks.f5os collection.
  • When using config_query jmespath module is required.
  • For better diff support, deepdiff module is recommended.

Return Values

Key Description Returned Type Elements
api_response The API response received from the F5OS RESTCONF API. This is helpful when troubleshooting. always dict  
current_config_state The current state and configuration of the resource as well as the API response of the initial GET (to retrieve the current state+configuration). This is helpful when troubleshooting. always dict  
desired_config_state The desired state and configuration of the resource. This is helpful when troubleshooting. always dict  
changes The changes made to the resource if any. always dict  
keys_ignore The list of keys that were ignored while comparing the current configuration to the desired configuration. when keys_ignore is set list str
config_query The JMESPath query used to filter the current configuration before it is compared to the desired configuration. when config_query is set str  


- name: 'Set the login banner'
    f5os_api_prefix: "{{ '/restconf' if ansible_httpapi_port == '8888' else '/api' }}"
    uri: "{{ f5os_api_prefix }}/data/openconfig-system:system/config/login-banner"
      openconfig-system:login-banner: |-
        With great power comes great responsibility!
        -- Spider-man's grandpa

- name: 'Configure trunked VLANs'
    f5os_api_prefix: "{{ '/restconf' if ansible_httpapi_port == '8888' else '/api' }}"
    uri: "{{ f5os_api_prefix }}/data/openconfig-interfaces:interfaces/interface={{ item.interface }}/openconfig-if-aggregate:aggregation/openconfig-vlan:switched-vlan/config/trunk-vlans={{ item.id }}"
    state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
      openconfig-vlan:trunk-vlans: ['{{ item.id }}']
    # Note: this is not an absolute list. Ansible will only "work" on the items below.
    # Any additional VLANs attached to the LAG will not be touched!
    - interface: my-lag
      id: 20
    - interface: 7.0
      id: 30
      state: absent  # Remove VLAN 30 from interface 7.0

- name: 'Partially configure LLDP'
    f5os_api_prefix: "{{ '/restconf' if ansible_httpapi_port == '8888' else '/api' }}"
    uri: "{{ f5os_api_prefix }}/data/openconfig-lldp:lldp/config"
    method: PATCH  # Use PATCH to partially update the configuration
        # the PATCH method will only update these keys:
        enabled: 'true'
        f5-lldp:max-neighbors-per-port: 50
      # keys_ignore has all remaining keys of this API endpoint.
      # The ansible module will therefore ignore the values in the
      # below keys when comparing the desired and current configuration.
      - f5-lldp:reinit-delay
      - f5-lldp:tx-delay
      - f5-lldp:tx-hold
      - f5-lldp:tx-interval
      - system-description
      - system-name

- name: 'Using PATCH on a group of resources (list) with additional config endpoints'
    f5os_api_prefix: "{{ '/restconf' if ansible_httpapi_port == '8888' else '/api' }}"
      port: 53
    uri: '{{ f5os_api_prefix }}/data/openconfig-system:system/dns'
    method: 'PATCH'
    # For change detection and idempotency to work we will need to filter the API response.
    # This can be done using the below "config_query" using a jmespath query, 
    # the jmespath module is required!
    # As the API returns the whole list of resources (dns servers) possibly along with
    # 'host-entries' and 'config', we need to reduce the response to the item we expect
    # to be created by the PATCH operation.
    # f5os_restconf_config must be able to compare the API response (current_config) to
    # the desired configuration (desired_config)
    config_query: |-
      "openconfig-system:dns".servers.server[?address == '{{ server.address }}'] | { "openconfig-system:dns": { servers: { server: @ } } }
            - address: "{{ server.address }}"
                address: "{{ server.address }}"
                port: "{{ server.port }}"  # no need to change to int, the type is ignored by the ansible module

- name: 'Set system proxy for automatic licensing and qkview uploads'
  # https://clouddocs.f5.com/training/community/rseries-training/html/rseries_security.html#proxy-server-via-api-for-licensing-and-qkview-uploads-to-ihealth
    f5os_api_prefix: "{{ '/restconf' if ansible_httpapi_port == '8888' else '/api' }}"
    proxy_username: f5os-proxy-user
    proxy_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'PROXY_PASSWORD') }}"
    proxy_server: https://proxyserver.internal.example.net
    uri: '{{ f5os_api_prefix }}/data/openconfig-system:system/f5-system-diagnostics-qkview:diagnostics/f5-system-diagnostics-proxy:proxy'
          proxy-username: "{{ proxy_username }}"
          proxy-password: "{{ proxy_password }}"
          proxy-server: "{{ proxy_server }}"
      - proxy-password
      - "{{ proxy_password }}"  # redact the proxy password in logs and debug messages (no_log)